Export Registered Information


Export Device Information

1. Go to CONFIG > Device and click Export button


2. Click Select Export Type pull down menu to select item you want to export, and then click Export button.

Export types are listed as below.

  • Device Status

  • Device Restrictions

  • Device Information

  • Device Information(iOS)

  • Device Information(Android)

  • Device Information(Windows)

  • Device Information(macOS)

  • Registered Devices

  • Certificate Information (iOS)

  • Installed Applications

  • Configuration Profiles (iOS)

  • Provisioning Profiles (iOS)

  • Device Restrictions (iOS)

  • Device Restrictions(Android)

  • Device Restrictions(Windows)

  • Old MDM Device Information (iOS)

  • Device Location

  • Device Replacement


3. Click OK at Create download job? screen.


4. System shows a new job at the Export history table as status=PENDING. After a few seconds, press Refresh button on your browser.


After refresh, Status is changed to SUCCESS, click the download icon displays on the Result row to download CSV file. If not, please wait some more seconds and press refresh button on your browser again.


You can also delete previously exported results from the list from the export history.

(1) Click the icon to download the previous export results again.

(2) The number of items displayed in the history list can be selected from 20 (default), 50, and 100.

(3) When there are multiple pages of history, you can move between pages.

(4) You can select a check box in the history list and delete it.


Export Template

1. Go to CONFIG > Tempalte and click Export button


2. Click Select Export Type pull down menu to select item you want to export, and then click Export button.

Export types are listed as below.

  • Template Settings List (iOS)

  • Template Settings List (Android)

  • Template Settings List (Windows)



3. Click OK at Create download job? screen.


4. System shows a new job at the Export history table as status=PENDING. After a few seconds, press Refresh button on your browser.